Why You Should Use Professional Pest Control

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As the weather changes, so do the habits of household pests. Pests and insects are looking for places to hide and stay warm and cozy in the winter or cool and comfortable during the summer. 

When this happens, these invaders are going to seek the comfort of your home, making them an annoyance to the family. These tiny invaders can come into your home and cause property damage, intruding in objects like food products, wood, and papers. 

Often homeowners will take it upon themselves to rid their homes of unwanted pests. This means a trip to the hardware store or trying a new DIY treatment. Both of these options can be challenging to accomplish alone and lead to a dangerous outcome. 

Rather than treat it yourself, contact Environmental Pest Management to handle unwelcome house guests. 

When you hire professional pest control, you can rest assured that individuals are trained to handle chemicals safely and effectively. They are well versed in practices to keep your family safe. For the quickest, most efficient, and lasting pest removal, hire a professional pest control service.

Keeps Your Family Healthy 

Besides being bothersome and gross, pests can carry many diseases or harmful bacteria that can increase your family’s exposure to illness. For example, cockroaches are known carriers of the bacterias E. coli and salmonella. 

Both infestations or cockroaches and rodents can exacerbate health issues related to allergies and asthma. Cockroaches and rodents have a protein in their droppings known to cause allergic reactions in individuals with sensitive immune systems. These reactions can cause life-threatening asthma attacks and allergic reactions.  

Ticks are carriers of Lyme disease, ants can contaminate your food pantry. Bees and wasps can cause injuries or trigger anaphylactic reactions through the venom they inject when they sting. 

The longer a pest resides in your home, the more dangerous conditions can become. A pest professional not only eliminates the invaders but provides helpful information on how to prevent them from returning. 

Pest control concept in flat style design. Cockroaches run away from home.Chemical treatment and protection against termites, cockroaches, fleas, agricultural pests.

Eliminates the Risk of Using Chemicals

Most of the readily available pest treatments on the market have been approved for home use. However, you should always be cautious in handling chemicals that are unfamiliar to you. A skilled pest technician knows when and how much chemicals to use to prevent any harm to humans or pets. 

Many pest removal products on the market will appear initially effective; however, they will not permanently eliminate your infestation. Many of these treatments are only effective on the surface. 

These products will rid you of the pests that you see scurrying around your home and property.  However, they do not treat the problem at the source. 

The source of a majority of infestations, whether a termite colony or rats nest, are often out of your sight. These “invisible” pests can not be controlled with over the counter pest control products. 

Identify and Eliminate Pests 

Pest companies eliminate all different types of pests. This list includes various rodents and a variety of insects- bees, ants, cockroaches, mosquitos, flys, wasps, fleas, and termites. 

Different baits and chemicals are necessary to withdraw and eliminate each different pests. A licensed pest technician is educated in the safe and proper dosages of chemicals. They also know where and when to apply them. 

A noteworthy benefit of using a professional pest control service is that the professionals have the knowledge to identify the pest invading your property. Knowing which pests are at your home and how they get in helps decide which elimination method is best.

Companies can eradicate pests by using poisoned bait, baited traps, or various chemicals. Some professional pest control companies specialize in organic or green pest control. 

Locating the Source

Your professionals will maximize the effect of the treatment by also locating the source of the infestation. If the infestation source is not located and eliminated, more infestations are likely to occur within the home. 

Some sources can include batches of hidden eggs, nests,  garbage cans, plants, soil, pet food, or particular areas within your walls. 

Pest Control Worker Hand Holding Sprayer For Spraying Pesticides

Save Your Time

When you hire professionals, they can provide quicker and more successful results than if you try to treat the infestation yourself. Between their experience and the products and chemicals that are not as readily available to consumers, they swiftly implement plans for extermination and eliminate pests in a short amount of time. 

A typical treatment can last from anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour. Any moisture, sanitation, and environmental conditions can affect the length the treatment may last. It can take up to six hours for treatment.

A larger problem that requires any fumigation can take up to a week to complete. The home will need time to retire to a safe environment for your family. 

Avoid Damages to Property and Belongings

Different pests can pose unique risks to your property and belongings. Termites cause damage to approximately 600,000 homes in the U.S., costing U.S. residents an estimated $5 billion annually in damages. 

If you have a termite infestation, your belongings and the structural integrity of your home are compromised. These insects feast on hardwood floors, wooden furniture, and structural beams that support your home. 

Other insect invaders prefer to eat fibers putting clothing, upholstered surfaces, beds, blankets, and towels at risk for damages. While a rodent infestation can result in damages to your electrical wiring and insulation in your home. 

The most efficient way to protect yourself from these damages is to pay a licensed professional to identify and quickly eradicate the pest infestation within your home and property.

34 Years of Experience

When you choose Environmental Pest Management, you are getting 34 years of pest management experience and our commitment to excellence. Our company is associated with the National Pest Management Association and the Minnesota Pest Management Association. 

We pride ourselves on the use of environmentally safe products and our master licensed technicians. Contact us to book your free inspection today. 

The Truth About Borax and Boric Acid

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When people look for ways to control bugs at home, borax and boric acid are often looked to for a solution. But are they useful? More importantly, are they safe?

If you have pests bugging you at home, you are probably desperate for anything that works. While some at-home remedies can be successful, the best thing to do is call a professional.

The experts at Environmental Pest Control have years of experience handling residential and commercial pest problems. Call us today for a free quote.

boric acid powder in spoon with boric powder topview

What is Borax?

Borax has been used for many years in America and throughout the world. It can be called several different things: sodium borate, sodium tetraborate, or disodium tetraborate. Borax is a boron compound. It is also a mineral and a salt from boric acid.

Typically, you will find borax in a white, powdered form that will dissolve in water. The most common places you will discover borax used is in laundry detergents, cosmetics, and enamel. It can also be a fire-retardant and an antifungal.

Interestingly, borax was used in gold mining as a flux, so miners did not have to use mercury in the extraction process. Mercury is toxic. However, it wasn’t as successful as mercury.

Borax was discovered in Tibet in the 700s. It was found in dried-up lake beds. Initially, it was transported along the Silk Road. It didn’t become common until the late 1800s.

What is Boric Acid?

Boric acid, on the other hand, is also known as hydrogen borate, boracic acid, and orthoboric acid. It is a weak acid of boron.

You will find boric acid in insecticides, antiseptics, and as a flame-retardant and neutron absorber. You will find it as a colorless crystal or white powder, both of which dissolve in water. 

Boric acid is called sassolite when it is in mineral form. You will find it in volcanic areas. It is created from the steam in fissures in the ground. It can also be discovered as a constituent of other minerals, like borax, boracite, and colemanite, and found in sea salt and most fruits.

The first person to prepare boric acid was Wilhelm Homberg. He used borax and mineral acids to create boric acid. Borates, however, have been used since the time of the Ancient Greeks.

Crystalline boric acid in test tube, on a blue background. It is used in many industries, including medicine, as a poison for the destruction of cockroaches.

Can I Use Borax and Boric Acid to Control Pests?

Boric acid and borax are similar. They are merely different formulations of one compound. Borax is a form of boron and is taken straight from the ground as a mineral; you will find it in cleaning products. Boric acid is more refined and processed and is used in chemical products.

Both borax and boric acid are toxic to people and animals when ingested. They are not necessarily dangerous to handle. Any product you find with either compound will be labeled only for external use.

It is essential you take extreme caution when using either of these products or any pesticides around children and pets. If used incorrectly or not monitored, kids or pets could get very sick.

When it comes to killing pests, your best bet is boric acid. Borax should not be used as a pesticide, though some people confuse the two or think they are the same. Borax can kill pests, though it is not nearly as effective as boric acid.

You will often find boric acid used in pesticides. You should be able to find it as a tablet, liquid, or powder or in a trap. Boric acid kills certain insects by absorbing into their bodies and poisoning them. Once absorbed, it will affect their metabolism and exoskeletons.

Traps or baits using boric acid rely on insects coming into contact with it. A bug will walk through the fine grain boric acid or be exposed to the liquid form. As a powder, it will stick to them.  A bug will attempt to clean themselves, ingesting the acid in the process.

It is important to note that too high of a percent of boric acid can actually repel bugs. Most commercially bought baits and traps will only use 5-10% boric acid in their formulas. If you buy powdered boric acid to spread out, it will likely be around 98% boric acid.

What Boric Acid Will Kill

While many think that boric acid will kill any pest in their home, the unfortunate truth is that it will not. Boric acid will only kill bugs and insects that groom themselves. The bug needs to ingest the acid after cleaning themselves.

The most common pests to use boric acid on are ants and cockroaches.

Domestic ants eat cooked poison from egg yolk and boric acid. Poison in the form of puny piece of in the form of globe. Around lie crumbs. A problem for life from pests. A way to get rid of parasites.

What Boric Acid Won’t Kill

Unfortunately, many pests get into homes that boric acid will not kill. If your pest problem is any of the following, skip the boric acid and call the professionals at Environmental Pest Management.

It is worth repeating, using boric acid in your home to control pests can be useful, but also dangerous. If humans ingest it, there can be dire consequences. Boric acid is hazardous to humans for the same reason it is hazardous to bugs.

If you choose to use boric acid in your home, please take extreme caution. It is wise to avoid using it altogether if any pets or children will be around boric acid traps or bait.

When storing either borax or boric acid, ensure they are kept high and out of the reach of anyone who shouldn’t come in contact with it. As with any chemical, caution must be taken.

Call Environmental Pest Management Today

If you have a pest problem and need professional help, call Environmental Pest Management today. We have years of experience protecting families and ensuring bugs do not pester them.

Environmental Pest Management only uses safe methods that will not harm your family. We understand how important it is to keep your family safe. We will exterminate any bugs in your home and make sure they don’t come.

Call us today for a free quote. We customize solutions for each client so you can rest easy knowing the best pest control plan for your home.

DIY Bug Treatments: Fact or Fiction

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Everyone has heard of DIY bug treatments. Whether they involve dryer lint, essential oils, or other household items, many seem too good to be true.

While there are some things that are successful at deterring pests, your best bet is calling the experts at Environmental Pest Management. We care about the safety of your family and use products that will only harm bugs, not your loved ones.

When bugs invade your home, get rid of them fast. Reach out to Environmental Pest Management for a free quote today.

A lot of cockroaches are sitting on a white wooden shelf.The German cockroach (Blattella germanica). Common household cockroaches

Can You Handle Those Bugs Yourself?

There are as many home treatments for pest control as there are types of pests. A successful DIY bug treatment will

  • Only require items you already have or that are easy to get
  • Be inexpensive
  • Be effective at ridding your space of pests and
  • It won’t be hazardous to your health or the environment.

Some pests can have an impact on your health. Cockroaches and dust mites can worsen asthma and allergies. Take action to get them out of your space. If you have severe allergies, you might want to skip the DIY and hire a professional.

Common DIY Bug Treatments

You can find anything on the internet. But how much of it is accurate? Here’s what we found. 

food grade diatomaceous earth supplement - powder and in a glass of water

Can you get rid of ants with used coffee grounds? 

The treatment:

Take your old coffee grounds and use them to surround anthills. You can also sprinkle them directly over the nest or along the ant path. Some sources claim the coffee grounds are toxic to the ants while others state that they don’t like the smell of coffee. 

Conclusion: fiction. A hill of coffee grounds may cause an ant to change its path once, but if you come back a day later, you’ll find the industrious little buggers will have moved the grounds out of their way.  

Instead, lay down a barrier with diatomaceous earth (DE). This natural product dries out the exoskeleton of ants when they walk through it.  It will also deter bedbugs, spiders, fleas, ticks, and cockroaches.

Can you drive out spiders with essential oils?

The treatment: Use peppermint, lemon, or chestnut oil to repel spiders. Apply undiluted oil with a spray bottle, dropper, or cotton ball to places you suspect spiders are using as an entrance. Spiders use their legs to smell, so they are very sensitive to oils on surfaces.

Conclusion: Fact – at least for some scents. Peppermint and chestnut oil do repel some species of spiders. Lemon oil doesn’t bother them.

Spiders like damp places. You can reduce the number of spiders in your basement by dehumidifying it to 40% and sweeping down webs when they appear. 

Eucalyptus Essential oil in Amber Round Glass Bottle with Glass Dropper and Fresh Eucalyptus leaves on wooden background. Phytotherapy.

Can you trap fruit flies with vinegar and dish soap?

The treatment: Pour about ÂĽ cup of apple cider vinegar into a glass or used soda bottle. Add a couple of drops of dish soap. Cover the top or opening with plastic wrap and poke a few small holes in the wrap with a toothpick.

The vinegar smell will draw in the fruit flies. They will find their way in through the little toothpick holes. The dish soap reduces the surface tension of the vinegar, so when they land, they will break through the surface and drown.

Conclusion: Fact. This trap will catch and drown fruit flies. But remember, just trapping will not eliminate all of them. Make sure to get rid of any overripe fruit or standing water, or they’ll keep coming back.

Do bay leaves smell bad enough to protect your food?

Here’s the theory: Cockroaches and other insects are repelled by the smell of bay leaves. Place your shelf-stable food in sealed plastic containers. Place a bay leaf on top to ward off insects. Some versions also suggest crushing the leaves and putting the leaf dust along insect paths.

Conclusion: Fiction. The only effective part of this bug treatment is sealing your food in containers. Cockroaches are drawn to garbage and spoiled food. They will dig through animal dung for their meals. They aren’t put off by terrible smells.

Can you burn out bees and wasps?

This treatment calls for pouring gasoline on a bee or wasp nest and setting it on fire. 

Conclusion: Fiction and basically a terrible idea. Wasp nests are extremely flammable, but they tend to be on or near other flammable items, like your house. 

This method is also bad for the environment in general. The gasoline contaminates groundwater and kills plants. Even if you’re okay with all of that, this method doesn’t kill all of the wasps, because they won’t all be in the nest at once. Any remaining ones will be very aggressive.

Central vacuum cleaner hose laid on the floor in the living room. Cleaning room conceptual shot, focused on foreground.

What Else Should You Do?

Regardless of the method you choose to remove those pests, follow up with these steps.

    • Vacuum. You might catch some bugs that have traveled away from the main infestation. Make sure to empty the vac outside right away.
    • Clean bedding.  If you had an infestation in your bedroom, wash all of your blankets and sheets on hot. Freeze your pillows to get rid of any bugs that might have made a home in them. They need to be at 0Âş or below for at least four days.
    • Clean the bug trail. Mix the same amount of vinegar and water in a container. Spray and wipe down any place ants or other crawling bugs traveled. Some bugs leave a pheromone trail that will attract more of their kind. You can also use a household cleaner.



How to Make Sure Those Bugs Stay Out

Once you’ve gotten rid of your uninvited guests, make sure they don’t come back. These tips will help keep your home bug-free.

  • Store your food in airtight containers. Raise the pet dishes off the floor.
  • Remove standing water and fix any leaks. Don’t leave damp towels or sponges around. Bugs are drawn to water.
  • Walk around your home and take a close look. Seal any cracks in your foundation. Fill any gaps around doors or windows.  
  • Make sure the dryer vent damper closes completely.
  • Keep your outdoor garbage secure and sealed. 

Remember, Help Is Out There

If the DIY method you tried didn’t take care of the whole problem, you need professional help. A good exterminator will guarantee his work. Contact Environmental Pest Management for a free quote today.

How to Clean Your New Home to Prevent Bugs

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When you purchase a new home, it is one of the most exciting and exhilarating times you will ever experience. Whether it is your first time since buying a house or your fifth, it’s hard not to get swept up in the excitement. 

Unfortunately, as with any significant life transition, you will be forced to take the good with a measure of bad. Just because a home is new to you, it doesn’t mean you won’t inherit a few issues. 

The last thing a new homeowner wants to deal with is a pest problem. At Environmental Pest Management, we want to help you to prevent and overcome any potential pest problems. Let us walk you through some of the steps you can take to ensure your new home is pest-free.

Cockroach on toothbrush,Contagion the disease, Plague,Healthy,Home concept.

New Home Inspection

Before you close on the purchase of your new home, you should have two separate and distinct home inspections. You will need a basic home inspection and a WDO Inspection.

Basic Home Inspection

For this basic inspection, you will need to hire a licensed and qualified home inspector. This professional inspector will perform a thorough inspection of your potential new home. 

This inspection will show the structural condition of the home, with a specific focus on the plumbing, electrical, roofing, and HVAC systems. 

Additionally, the inspector will test all the appliances and check all the pipes and spaces under sinks for leaks. 

WDO Inspection

A WDO, or Wood Destroying Organisms Inspection, is more commonly known as a termite inspection. The more general term WDO is used because while termites are the most common wood-destroying organisms, they are not the only wood-destroying organisms. 

A qualified WDO inspector will be able to detect certain signs and symptoms that a typical home buyer will miss. 

On top of searching for an existing wood-destroying organism infestation, a certified inspector will be able to point out potential avenues for future infestations. You will be able to prepare for and prevent a possible problem before it arises. 

On average, termites and other wood-destroying organisms case over $5 billion in damage and repair costs each year. To avoid high costs and lengthy repairs, work to prevent termites and other pests from entering your home in the first place. 

Once you have purchased your new home, there are some proactive measures you can take to ensure a lower likelihood of infestation. Let’s go over a few now, room by room. 

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Many pests and rodents are attracted to the same food that you and your family enjoy. The most effective way to prevent pests is to limit their food supply.

Make a family rule that food stays in the kitchen and dining area only. The fewer areas where crumbs can accumulate, the less likely you will have an infestation throughout your entire home. 

Now that you are keeping food residue contained in a small area of your home, you must work to keep that area free of residue and debris. Clean your kitchen and dining room floors daily to avoid food build-up.

We recommend that you sweep every day and vacuum as much as possible, at least once a week. 

Any spills should be cleaned immediately. If any food or liquid accidentally spills under your furniture, make sure to move and clean under each piece to avoid attracting unwanted visitors. 

Pay special attention to your sink area. Be sure to wash dishes every day and do not leave a full sink to sit and stew overnight. 

Such a prize will be hard for pests to resist.

Make sure to take care of any slow or clogged drains right away. Remember, just like you, bugs and pests need water to survive. 


The place where you store your food is particularly vulnerable to unwanted pests. People tend to overlook pantries and storage spaces when cleaning. 

Make sure you wipe down bottles and containers after you use them. This step is especially crucial with sticky products, like honey or syrup. 

All of your food and ingredients should be stored appropriately. Invest in some good, high-quality storage containers. Look for products that are airtight and easy to seal. 

Keep an eye on all of your fruits and vegetables. Make sure to throw out or compost any products that are spoiled or on the way to spoilage.  If you have ever had a fruit fly infestation, you know just how difficult it is to rid your home of those pesky fliers.


You may not realize the drawing power dirty clothes can be to pests. Never store or put away dirty clothes in your closet with your clean clothes. 

Have a designated place for dirty clothes. Try to find a space that is separate from your clean clothes. 

For those of you who live in places that experience severe winter weather, make sure to have your winter clothes suitably cleaned before you store them away for the warm summer months. 

Just like your food and ingredients, you will find it beneficial to purchase and use airtight storage containers for your infrequently used seasonal clothing. 

Woman cleaning sofa with yellow vacuum cleaner. Copy space. Cleaning service concept.


Of all the places in your home, the most likely breeding ground for a pest infestation is probably wherever you keep your garbage. 

To prevent pests, make sure you wash out all of your used containers before you throw them away. On top of that, make sure you are constantly cleaning your garbage receptacles. 

Rotten or rancid food residue is a sure draw for pests and insects. At least once every other week, take your trash can outside and thoroughly wash them with soap and water. A hose is a helpful tool for this task. 

Also, make sure your trashcan has a lid that provides an adequate seal. Keep your lid on your trashcan as much as possible to harness the smell. 

As all of us have no doubt learned, pests are an unfortunate part of our everyday lives. It is almost impossible to completely rid our homes and lives of these unwanted and unwelcome critters. 

The best we can do is take the proper precautions in order to possibly prevent a potential infestation. 

If you live in the Twin Cities, MN area, and you are suffering from a pest problem, contact Environmental Pest Management for your free estimate today. We are your one-stop-shop for safe and effective pest control and removal.

Summer Travel Plans? How to Avoid Bed Bugs

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Summer is almost here! Even though this summer might not be a completely normal one, people will be traveling. Summer travel and bed bugs are an all-too-common concern.

If you have plans that will take you away from the warmth and safety of your bed and into an unknown (and potentially infested) bed, don’t fear. We have tips to ensure your trip is safe.

The last thing you want to do is bring home a suitcase full of begs to end a ruined trip.

At Environmental Pest Management, we have the experience you need to ensure your home and travels are pest-free. Contact us today for a free quote if you think you have pests that need evicting.

Suitcases in airport. Travel concept.

How to Check for Bed Bugs During Travel

Did you know there is a Bed Bug Registry? This handy website allows you to search for your hotel before traveling to see any bed bugs reported. You can search by hotel name, city, and state.

Of course, hotels are not the only place to get bed bugs. You can pick up these pesky creatures on airplanes, in taxis or Ubers, or anywhere else you come in contact with upholstered furniture or items.

To check for the presence of bed bugs, you are not looking for the actual bugs. Instead, you are looking for what they leave behind. You are looking for tiny black dots. It might seem like someone dropped a pen over and over again. 

Here are some tips on where and how to check for bed bugs while traveling.

  1. Consider a hard-shelled suitcase over a clothe or soft material suitcase if you don’t already have one. Bed bugs have a hard time getting past the hard shell. There are many crevices for them to find in a soft suitcase.
  2. When traveling by plane, train, or rented car, check the seat edges and creases. You are looking for the actual bug that resembles an apple seed, or what they leave behind.
  3. Before you unpack at your hotel, thoroughly check the room for signs of bed bugs. You likely won’t see the bugs as they are nocturnal, but you will see their poop if they are in the room.
  4. Never set your luggage on the bed or other upholstered furniture or directly on the carpeted floor. Use the provided luggage rack or place your bags in the bathroom or on a dresser. Hanging your clothes is a good option, as well.
  5. Check under the sheets for signs of the bugs. Remember, it might look like small ink stains along the seam. You might also see small blood spots on the mattress.
  6. If the beds have headboards, check around and behind it.
  7. Inspect any upholstered furniture in the room as well as window treatments. Bed bugs aren’t limited to beds.
  8. If you find any signs of bed bugs, immediately contact management. It might be best to change hotels as bed bugs easily travel between rooms in a hotel.
  9. When you get home, vacuum off your luggage. Empty your clothes into the washer and thoroughly check your bags for signs of bed bugs. You should see those tiny ink-like stains along the edges or corners.
  10. Finally, wash in hot water anything that can be washed. If you happened to pick up a bed bug or two, they will not survive a hot wash and dry. 

accommodation inspector testing the bed

What to Do if Bed Bugs Follow You Home

Unfortunately, you might not catch bed bugs before bringing them into your home. Even if you thoroughly check your hotel room, you can still pick them up in a variety of places. These bugs are destructive and have a strong will to live and spread.

If you realize you have picked up unwanted hitchhikers during your are travels, seal all of your things in plastic bags before you head home. The last thing you want is to track these pests into your home. It only takes one falling out of your suitcase for your entire house to become infested.

If that happens, call Environmental Pest Management, and we will take care of the problem for you.

When you do get home, unpack your bag outside, if possible. If you can’t do that, don’t go farther than the garage.

Lucky for us, bed bugs can’t survive high heat. Wash everything in your bag in hot water. You will want the water to be at least 100℉. Then, dry on high heat. This process should take care of any bed bugs that made it this far.

Next, you will want to tackle that luggage. The good news is you don’t have to throw it away. Grab a flashlight and magnifying glass if you have one and inspect the seams and crevices as best you can. 

If you see any, vacuum up the little pests with a vacuum and brush attachment. Go over the entire suitcase, focusing on any spots you see signs of bed bugs. 

If able, wash and scrub your bag with warm, soapy water. The final nail in the blood-sucking bedbug coffin would be a thorough steaming of your suitcase with a handheld steamer.

Traveler with suitcase in airport concept.Young girl walking with carrying luggage and passenger for tour travel booking ticket flight at international vacation time in holiday rest and relaxation.

Call Environmental Pest Management

With these tips, you can ensure the only thing you’re bringing home from your travels are good memories. We can help make sure bed bugs, and other pests, stay out.

If you have recently traveled and think you have bed bugs, call Environmental Pest Management today. We will give you a free quote before completing any work.

Bed bugs are a common problem for many travelers. We will make sure you only have happy memories from your trip, not lasting dread and itchy spots.

We also handle more than bed bugs. We have experience exterminating mice and rodents, wasps, ants, roaches, bees, beetles, and more. We also install TAP Insulation to provide extra protection for your home from unwanted guests.

Call us today and let us know how we can help you.Â