Environmental Pest Management

11975 Portland Ave, Suite 126 , Burnsville, MN 55337

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Most Common Summer Bugs

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With apologies to Don Henley, forget about the boys of summer. When the temperatures go up and the days get longer, it’s all about summer bugs. Contact Environmental Pest Management if you find your home overrun with pests instead of barbecue guests during the hotter months.

More time outside in beautiful weather means you’re more likely to encounter creepy crawlers and irritating insects. If you want to spend time enjoying the summer weather without pests, contact Environmental Pest Management.

Let’s take a look at the summer bugs you’re most likely to encounter both outdoors and indoors. Some bugs are mere nuisances, while others require some caution.

cute asian baby girl has rash and allergy on neck skin from mosquito bite and sucking blood while playing outdoor

Common Summer Bugs: Example #1


Mosquitoes may be among the least popular summer bugs. In the best-case scenario, mosquitoes are obnoxious pests who leave their victims with itchy welts they can’t ignore. In the worst-case scenario, mosquitoes carry illnesses that can make people very sick.

How to Prevent Them

Know the Time of Day

Fortunately, there are ways to protect yourself and your family from mosquito bites and limit the mosquitoes’ numbers. 

First of all, know when mosquitoes are the most numerous. Sunrise and sunset tend to be these flying pests’ favorite time of day. Avoid going out during dusk and dawn if you know you have a tendency to be mosquito-nip.

Dress Appropriately

Cover your limbs when you are outside, especially if you’re some place where the bugs tend to congregate. Especially if you’re doing yard work or involved in an outdoor activity, make sure you wear long sleeves and pants.

Don’t Give Them a Place to Land

Ensure that you do not have mosquito breeding grounds in and around your house. Eliminate any standing water, which is where mosquitoes tend to lay their eggs. Any standing water, whether natural or artificial, has the potential to become a mosquito labor and delivery ward.

Use Bug Spray

Above all, the most effective way to protect yourself from mosquitoes is bug spray containing DEET. Of course, any bug spray is probably better than no bug spray, but DEET repellent is the most effective ingredient.

Closeup of a tick on a plant straw

Common Summer Bugs: Example #2


Like mosquitoes, ticks’ impact can range from mild nuisance to disease vector, and they tend to bite more in summer. Ticks carry various diseases, but perhaps the best-known one is Lyme Disease. The more you know about ticks, the better you are able to combat their negative effects.

Cover Up

Ticks are sneaky, so you don’t want to give them an opportunity, if at all possible. To prevent tick bites, wear close-toed shoes, long sleeves, and pants when outside.

Avoid Certain Places

Don’t spend a lot of time around wood piles or debris; where possible, eliminate them completely. Additionally, try to avoid densely-wooded areas and thick vegetation. Areas like these are ticks’ favorite hideaways.

Take Precautions

In the summer, bug spray is essential. To get the most bang for your buck when it comes to insect repellent, DEET must be an ingredient. Try to find a spray that contains at least 20 percent DEET.

If you spend a lot of time outside, or are especially concerned about ticks, don’t forget the importance of clothes. Ticks can get on your clothes. In the event that you find them on clothing, put them in the dryer or wash them with hot water.

Finally, when you get back from being outside, check yourself and your family for ticks. Ticks can be very small, so make sure you check everywhere on your person and that you check thoroughly. These bugs prefer warm, dark environments, so pay special attention to joints.

leaf cutter ant macro

Common Summer Bugs: Example #3


Ants are probably the iconic summer bugs. Everyone is familiar with the stereotype of ants invading and ruining a picnic. Worse than ants appearing as unwelcome picnic guests: ants arriving as home intruders.

While many types of ants are harmless, they have the potential to damage homes. Some varieties of ants are able to bite and sting, however.

Tend to Your Plants

Don’t give the ants a chance. Make sure that you trim shrubs and branches outside of your house away from your home. 

A Little Prevention Goes a Long Way

To prevent ants in your home, seal cracks and holes in your home that would allow ants entry. Furthermore, don’t provide these insects with bait. Pick up crumbs and clean up spills; don’t leave anything behind that might draw the ants’ attention.

live house fly posing for the camera

Common Summer Bugs: Example #4

Shoo Flies

Flies are some more superstar summer bugs. Flies aren’t just bothersome; flies are gross. These flying insects may seem harmless, but they are in reality incredibly dirty creatures. 

When you think about some of the less-savory places you’ve seen flies, you can see why they’re especially undesirable. You don’t want something that hangs out in those environments heading right for your hot dog.

Keep Your House Clean

As with avoiding ants, you can prevent pests like flies by picking up after yourself and your family. Avoid leaving out anything that might serve as bait to flies (and that’s a pretty wide spectrum).

Screen Time

Screens on doors and windows allow fresh air to circulate in your home without inviting in critters. In addition to installing screens in your home, try to keep entryways closed. Avoid repeated, frequent trips in and out of the house, which just create more opportunities for flies to get in.

Beautiful summer panoramic background, banner with ladybugs and bugs on white wildflowers. Summer meadow with flowers and insects - macro.

Prevent Summer Bugs with Environmental Pest Management

Don’t sweat this summer any more than you have to when it comes to summer bugs. If you want to protect yourself, your family, and your home, contact Environmental Pest Management.

We have over three decades in the pest management business. Our commitment to environmentally safe products means you can feel good about choosing us for your pest management needs.

Environmental Pest Management’s dedication means we employ only master licensed technicians with years of personal experience. We value the communities we serve in a service area that spans counties throughout Minnesota and greater Burnsville.

Prevent unwanted and unsafe home infestations with Environmental Pest Management.

Cockroaches: The Seemingly Invincible Pest and How to Combat Them

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Cockroaches: The Seemingly Invincible Pest and How to Combat Them

When it comes to the creepy-crawlies, none is quite so creepy or crawly as the cockroach. The mere mention of the word roach causes even the stoutest among us to get the chills. Anyone who has ever dealt with a cockroach infestation only has one question on the mind-

“How do I get rid of these roaches?”

Environmental Pest Management is here for all your pest questions and removal needs. Contact us for help with your cockroach problem. Get your free estimate today. 

Before you can know if you have a cockroach infestation, you need to know precisely what a cockroach is so you can accurately identify the pest. 

A cockroach stuck to sticky paper. Home of the harmful insect. Close up.

What is a Cockroach?

The most common form of cockroach in the US is the American cockroach. The American cockroach, also known as the water bug, is the largest of all the house-infesting roaches. Considering it is named the American cockroach, you might be surprised to learn that it is not native to North America.

They are believed to have originated in Africa. There is some evidence to suggest that they were first introduced in the early 1600s on trade ships. Most likely due to their adaptability, you can find the American cockroach all over the world. 

You will know an American cockroach by its reddish-brown color, oval shape, and length of about 1 ½ inches. They have six legs and antennae. Look out, both the male and female cockroach has wings and can fly. 

As if you needed one more reason to be wary of the American cockroach, they can bite humans. Fortunately, they rarely do, but a bite can become infected. If you are bitten, seek the proper medical attention. 

The American cockroach can be the bearer of around 33 different kinds of bacteria. Some of these include-

  • E. coli
  • Salmonella
  • Parasitic worms
  • Dangerous human pathogens

Because cockroaches are attracted to decaying matter, they frequently carry viruses or bacteria that are found in sewage and other filth. 

Close up Cockroach on white a bowl

What are the Habits of the Cockroach?

Cockroaches can be found both in and outdoors, though they generally prefer the latter. Typically, they can be found in drains or sewers or anywhere that water is readily available. 

In warmer climates, where water is more scarce, you can commonly find cockroaches in shady, humid areas- think flower beds or mulch piles. 

Cockroaches will eat almost any organic matter that they can easily find. They are omnivorous scavengers and are highly adaptable. 

They prefer meats, starches, and sweets. In a pinch, though, they will feed on such items as hair, books, or decaying matter. 

When they face a food shortage or a significant change in their environment or climate, they often move indoors. Their ideal temperature range is between seventy and eighty degrees Fahrenheit. 

The most common form of entry is as passengers on human clothes or belongings, access through pipes from the sewer, or even mass migration from dumpsters or trash cans. 

Once they enter a residence or commercial building, they often make their way to the places with the most abundant food supplies. In your home, that means your kitchen, bathroom, basement, or laundry room. 

In commercial buildings, a cockroach infestation can be anywhere. Cockroaches are most common in factories and restaurants where the high concentration of food can be hard for the swarms to resist. 

As we mentioned, cockroaches will eat almost any organic matter, but they tend to prefer fermenting or decaying material. A home with an abundance of litter or crumbs is an attractive space for the American cockroach. 

Close up of cockroach on a slice of bread

How Do I Know if I Have a Cockroach Infestation?

It is often hard to tell if your home is infested with this elusive pest. Cockroaches are nocturnal, and therefore most active at night. The hours between dusk and dawn is when they tend to travel to feed. 

Because of this proclivity to the dark, they prefer to live and hide in dark places. If the area is also moist and musty, all the better. 

When searching your home for a cockroach infestation, there are four main signs-

1. Cockroach Droppings

One of the earliest signs of a cockroach infestation is the feces they leave behind. These droppings resemble black pepper or coffee grounds. These remains can be even larger and more cylindrical, depending on the size of your roaches.

They can become so large that people often mistake them for mice droppings. The more feces you find, the more roaches you have, and the longer the infestation has lasted. 

2. Cockroach Eggs

Another sure sign that you may be facing a cockroach infestation is the presence of cockroach eggs. The egg of the American cockroach is oval-shaped. You will typically find them out of sight in areas of lower traffic. 

3. Unpleasant Odors

Many species of cockroaches emit an unpleasant odor. These pheromones are often described as oily or musty. This odor springs from pheromones intentionally released by live cockroaches or the bodies of the dead and decaying specimen. 

4. Cockroach Sightings

The last and most obvious clue that you have a cockroach problem is a sighting of the pests themselves. Rest assured, if you see one bug, you are playing host to many more unseen pests. 

Close up a cockroach on white cupboard in the kitchen

How Do I Prevent a Cockroach Infestation?

Unfortunately for those who suffer from an infestation, cockroaches are some of the most resilient pests in the entire world. They are uniquely adept at surviving and are even able to live without their head for a week. 

In light of that terrifying information, it is easier to keep them out than to get to remove them. The most effective preventative measures are cleanliness and barrier exclusion. 

Clean Your Area

The best way to keep cockroaches out of your home is by maintaining an unwelcoming environment. To a cockroach, a clean home free of debris is incredibly unwelcoming. 

Keep your counters, cabinets, sinks, tables, and floors free of crumbs and clutter. Clean and put away your dishes promptly and store your food in airtight containers. 

Barrier Exclusion

Cover or fill any small cracks and gaps in walls, electric sockets, drains, or switch plates. Whenever you find an opening, seal it with silicone-based caulk. 

If you find that preventative measures have come too late and you are facing a full-blown infestation, contact Environmental Pest Management today.

Garter Snakes: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Common garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) with tongue out,

If you live in North America, the chances are that you have seen a Garter snake at some point in your life. Garter snakes are some of the most common varieties of snakes. 

Garter snakes are harmless. In fact, many people keep them as pets. Let’s talk a bit more about this fascinating animal.

At Environmental Pest Management, we respect and care for all aspects of nature. We understand that every creature has its place in the fabric of nature, even the ones that aren’t’ cute and cuddly. 

A juvenile Plains Garter Snake lies coiled in a gravel opening

How do I know this snake is a Garter snake?

Garter snakes are not the easiest to identify. They come in a wide variety of colors, but most have three stripes running down their bodies. The color of each individual snake and its stripes depends on its species. 

Some species have intricate patterns as well as stripes, making each one unique. 

Garter snakes are small, between 23 to 30 inches in length. They have been known to reach lengths of five feet in rare cases. They are often stout-bodied with a ridge down the center of their back. 

One more defining characteristic of the Garter snake is its dual-colored tongue. Some of the species of Garter snake possess a mild neurotoxic venom, but even those bites are not dangerous to humans.  

There have been some cases of mild swelling and itching in humans after a bite. Allergic reactions are rare, but they can happen. If you are bitten, you need to clean the bite immediately and thoroughly. 

Where do Garter snakes live?

The answer is, almost anywhere. Garter snakes are not picky in their preferred habitat. You can find them in meadows, woodlands, grassy knolls, and anywhere that is close to a source of water. 

The Garter snake can be found all across the North American continent. The largest population concentration of this snake can be found in the Eastern United States. In fact, it is the state reptile of Massachusetts. 

Interestingly enough, Garter snakes have been spotted in the Northernmost US state, Alaska. Alaska has no native snakes, so these appearances are a bit of a mystery. 

A Common Garter Snake coiled up on a boardwalk.

Garter Snake Habits

Garter snakes are shy. They will generally avoid humans and animal contact and prefer to be left alone. If you have Garter snakes in your yard or garden, chances are you may not even know. 

Garter snakes are incredibly active. They come out both night and day. They are typically ground-dwellers, but they may also climb shrubs, vines, or trees to escape predators. 

Some species of Garter snakes are even proficient swimmers. 

Whenever a Garter snake feels threatened, they produce a foul-smelling musk. They use this odor to defend themselves against predators. This musk comes in handy because the Garter snake has many predators.

Some of the common predators of the Garter snake include-

  • Hawks
  • Crows
  • Bears
  • Bullfrogs
  • Snapping turtles
  • Foxes
  • Squirrels
  • Raccoons

The species of Garter snake that live in colder climates spend their winters in hibernation. They gather in large groups and hibernate together in hidden dens. These clusters of Garter snakes can number into the hundreds.

Garter snakes will travel great distances to hibernate in their particular communal den. Some dens in Canada can contain thousands of snakes.

Garter snakes make excellent pets. Their small size and daytime activity level make them the ideal pet for someone who wants a snake. They are small enough that even children can hold them with an adult nearby. 

If you are considering adding a Garter snake into your family, don’t catch one from the wild. Depending on where you live, that practice might be illegal. 

Instead of facing the potential backlash that can come with the dangerous and potentially illegal catch, contact a pet store or breeder. You can even try to find a rescue organization. 

You can feel good in the knowledge that you have given a second chance to an animal that probably needed it. 

For your new pet, you will need a 40-50 gallon aquarium. Make sure it has a lid that can be secured. Your snake will need fresh water, and you will need to keep the tank in a warm place. 

Consider purchasing a heat lamp to keep your new critter warm. It would be best if you fill your new pet’s habitat with rocks and a bed of shredded paper. Just make sure you change the paper frequently. 

Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) basking

Garter Snake Diet

Garter snakes feed on all the pests that you would like to disappear. Some of the principal sources of food for a Garter snake include-

  • Slugs
  • Snails
  • Grasshoppers
  • Small insects
  • Small rodents
  • Worms
  • Frogs
  • Salamanders
  • Fish
  • Tadpoles

The neurotoxin found in the venom of Garter snakes can cause paralysis in their prey. They use their quick reflexes and sharp teeth to help them catch their prey. Like most snakes, Garters swallow their food whole. 

Garter Snake Reproduction

Peak Garter snake mating season occurs congruently with the hibernation period. Large concentrations of Garter snakes emerge from their communal dens. They also gather together in large numbers right before the hibernation period begins. 

For Garter snakes that live in warmer climates, they don’t hibernate. For those species, instead of a mating season tied to hibernation patterns, they rely on pheromones to find mates. 

The female Garter snake puts off a strong-smelling pheromone, which will attract dozens of males. After the mating is complete, the female snake carries the sperm inside her body until she is ready to fertilize her eggs. 

She will give birth to anywhere between 20 to 40 babies at a time. Garter snakes birth live young. The baby snakes are pretty much on their own right away. 

A garter snake crosses across rough pavement.

Garter snakes are incredibly common, but thankfully they are not dangerous for humans. Humans and Garter snakes can live in relative harmony together. 

If you have questions or concerns about Garter snakes or any other pests, contact Environmental Pest Management. We will make your pest problems our pest problems, and taking care of pest problems is our business.

Bed Bugs, an Unwanted Bedmate

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We have only one word to describe bed bugs- pests. The bed bug, or Cimex lectularius, feed on blood. Its bites are itchy and irritating. 

These annoying pests are considered a public health risk by the Environmental Protection Agency, the Centers for Disease Control, and the United States Department of Agriculture. 

If you are worried about bed bugs, the best thing to do is to learn more about them. We are going to talk about bed bugs, their life cycle, and the best home remedies to prevent and remove them. 

For all your pest removal needs, consider contacting Environmental Pest Management. We are your one-stop-shop for all things creepy and crawly. 

 accurate illustration of a bed bug on human skin

What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?

Bed bugs are flat, round, and brown. When they are unfed, they are a dark, mahogany color. But when they are freshly full of blood, they are elongated, swollen, and reddish-brown. 

Bed bugs have six legs, and they are about a quarter of an inch long. They have all the characteristics of true bugs, and they include-

  • A beak
  • Three segments
  • Antennae that have four distinct parts
  • Wings that they don’t use for flying
  • Short, golden-colored hair

One of the least pleasant aspects of bed bugs, aside from the itchy bites, is the musty odor they produce. They have glands on the bottom side of their bodies that produce this odor. 

When they are young, bed bugs are called nymphs. Nymphs transition from translucent to whitish-yellow to brown as they grow. If they haven’t fed in a while, they are almost invisible to the naked eye.  

It takes about a month for a young bed bug to develop fully. Before they reach maturity, these nymphs shed their skins around five times. 

The eggs of bed bugs are tiny, about the size of the head of a pin. They are pearly-white in color. A female bed bug can lay hundreds of eggs throughout her lifetime. 

Where Can I Find Bed Bugs?

Because of their small size, bed bugs can fit into tiny spaces. They often enter your home on your clothing, luggage, used bedding, or other items. Generally, they enter your home without your knowledge. 

Bed bugs generally do not live in nests, like ants or bees. Instead, they tend to cluster in groups in their hiding places. 

The most common hiding places for bed bugs are mattresses, box springs, bed frames, and headboards. Considering their name, this pattern of hiding in your bed is not surprising. They like to be within easy reach of their food, and in this instance, their food is you. 

As the infestation grows, the bed bugs may branch out to other areas of your home. They can even spread to nearby homes and apartments. 

Outside of the bedroom, you can find bedbugs in your clothes and shoes. They are proficient hitchhikers, and they like to travel. Bed bugs are nocturnal and elusive. Once you have them in your home, they are incredibly challenging to get rid of. 

Some of their hiding places include-

  • Baseboards
  • Cracks
  • Crevices
  • Folded areas of beds
  • Furniture- especially if they have cloth coverings
  • Electrical switchplates
  • Picture frames
  • Wallpaper

In reality, though, you can find bed bugs almost anywhere. 

Cleanliness, or lack thereof, is not an indication of bed bugs. Because they eat blood, it doesn’t matter how clean your space is. Bed bugs will infest a clean home as quickly as a dirty one. 

Hand scratching ,legs of fat boy with swelling spot ,sore and scar from mosquitoes bite allergy, Health care concept

What About the Bites?

As previously stated, bed bugs are nocturnal. They are the most active night, and that is when they prefer to feed. That doesn’t mean, though, that they won’t bite you during the day. 

Bed bugs feed by piercing the skin of their host. They suck up the blood through their elongated beaks. Each feeding lasts anywhere from three to ten minutes.

Once they have fed, they scurry away to hide. That feeding will last them around ten days. During those ten days, the bed bug digests its food, mates, and lays eggs. 

Initially, the bite is relatively painless. The pain comes later in the form of itchy, red welts. You can find bed bug bites on any part of your skin that is exposed when you are sleeping. 

Bed bug bites look similar to mosquito bites or other skin irritations. The only way to confirm you have bed bugs is by finding the bugs themselves. 

What Are the Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation?

  • Waking up with itchy areas you didn’t notice before you fell asleep
  • Bloodstains on your pillowcases or sheets
  • Dark rusty spots on sheets or mattresses that signify bed bug excrement
  • The musty scent from the bed bugs scent glands
  • Bed bug egg shells or shed skin 

If you suspect you might have an infestation, you should take action immediately. Be proactive in your search.

  • Remove all bedding and check for signs of bed bugs
  • Examine box springs and seams in wood framing for signs
  • Check the areas around your bed for signs
  • Check your closet and clothing
  • Call an exterminator if you are unsure

Bed Bug

What Are Some of the Best Natural Home Remedies?


Your number one line of defense against bed bugs is to suck them up. When you are dealing with an infestation, you should try to vacuum every couple of days. Use the hose attachment and really get in there. 

Steam Cleaning

Make it a one-two punch and steam clean after you vacuum. The heat will help to kill the bugs. 

Wash Everything

Everything that can be washed on high heat should be washed on high heat. The heat from the dryer will also help. Pay particular attention to your sheets and bedding. 

Rubbing Alcohol

Pour some in a spritz bottle and spray all over your house. This should kill the bugs upon contact.

Baking Soda

Baking soda can dry out the bed bugs. For maximum effectiveness, vacuum, and reapply every few days. 

Essential Oils

Some of the best essential oils for bed bug infestations are-

  • Tea tree
  • Lavender
  • Thyme
  • Peppermint
  • Mint
  • Lemongrass
  • Clove
  • Oregano

Make your own insect repellent by mixing any combination of the oils mentioned above and about 8 ounces of water. You can even add some cayenne to amp up the solution. 

Check out this page for a more extensive list of preventive measures. 

For more information on bed bugs, check this out.

If you are having a problem with bed bugs, contact Environmental Pest Management for your free estimate.

How to Deal with Deer Mice

The deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) north American native rodent, often called the North American deermouse

Mice are the most common mammal in the United States. They are literally everywhere. Chances are, you have lived with and around mice your whole life, and you simply haven’t noticed. 

Many homeowners have had to deal with a mice infestation at some point. One of the most common mice in the US is the deer mouse. 

If you are a Twin Cities resident and you suspect you have a deer mice infestation in your home, contact the Environmental Pest Management. We use environmentally friendly means to rid you of your unwanted pests. 

If you are unsure what exactly a deer mouse is, just keep reading. We will tell you all you need to know about this unwanted pest. 

The deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) north American native rodent, often called the North American deermouse

What does a deer mouse look like?

Deer mice are round and slender. They range in size from 3 to 4 in length. Their tails are covered with fine hairs and are usually roughly the same size as their bodies. 

They have a pointed nose and large black eyes. Their ears are larger than regular house mice, and they are covered with fur. 

Deer mice have a distinctive two-toned colored body. The topside of their bodies is brownish or reddish, and they have a white underbelly with white feet. 

The name deer mouse comes both from their coloring and the fact that they are excellent runners and jumpers. They are much more agile than normal house mice. 

Where do deer mice live?

Deer mice are nocturnal. They usually are most active at night, but they can be found out during the day. They are sneaky and adept at hiding, so you might not even notice them when they are a few feet from you.

Their preferred habitats are woodlands, grasslands, cultivated fields, alpine regions, or brushlands. You can primarily find them all through the western portions of North America, the Great Lakes region. But they can be found throughout the US, though. 

They generally gravitate to areas with lots of grass or brush cover. The most commonly enter human homes during the colder months when food is scarce. You can find them in homes all year round, though. 

When they do make their way inside, you can find them in your attic, crawl spaces, basement, or garage. Think of areas that are less busy and populated.

They can also make their nests outside around your home. Ideal nesting places include hollow tree logs, piles of debris, or old and rotting fence posts. 

Deer mice can push their bodies through dime-sized holes. Any small opening or crack in your home is basically a welcome mat for mice. 

Furthermore, they are very athletic. Mice can jump up to a foot in the air. Your countertops are not safe from these tiny gymnasts. 

What about their nests?

Deer mice make their nests out of soft, padded, and insulating materials like-

  • Moss
  • Fur
  • Dried grass
  • Leaves feathers
  • Paper
  • Weeds

Each nest is inhabited by one family group. Each family consists of a set of parents and their litter of babies. Each family of deer mice usually makes several nests a year.

When one nest becomes too soiled with waste and feces, the family simply abandons it and starts over with a new one. They also store caches of food near their nests for easy access. 

The deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) north American native rodent, often called the North American deermouse

What do deer mice eat?

Deer mice are omnivores. They feed on a wide range of items-

  • Insects
  • Small invertebrates
  • Seeds
  • Fruits
  • Grains
  • Fungi
  • Flowers
  • Nuts
  • Berries

 The deer mice gather their food and store them in various larders positioned around their nests.

How long do deer mice live?

While deer mice can live up to five years in captivity, in the wild, they have a life expectancy of about one year. This shorter life span can be explained by a large number of natural predators for deer mice. Some of these predators include-

  • Foxes
  • Coyotes
  • Snakes
  • Owls
  • Hawks
  • Many other species of predatory birds

In the absence of predators, deer mice populations would explode and completely take over their environment. 

What about reproduction?

When they reach five or six weeks old, they become fully sexually mature. Each female can have as many as eleven litters every year. Each litter can contain up to nine babies. 

If food is abundant, the litters are usually larger. The first five or six litters of a deer mouses life will be the most abundant, and litter size generally declines with each subsequent litter. 

The babies typically weigh one to two grams at birth. They are weaned in their fourth week, and about a week later, they are able to have babies of their own. 

Are deer mice dangerous?

While not exactly dangerous, deer mice infestations can be problematic. They are messy and destructive to property, and their food caches may attract other pests to your home. 

Beyond the mess, deer mice can also bring diseases. Deer mice are known carriers of the hantavirus, a pulmonary syndrome with symptoms that include headache, fever, and severe respiratory distress. 

The virus is transmitted in the urine, saliva, and feces of the deer mice. You can also contract it by handling infected deer mice carcasses. 

The deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) north American native rodent, often called the North American deermouse

How do I keep them out?

Prevention is key. It is easier to keep the deer mice out of your house than to remove them once they take up residence. 

To prevent deer mice from entering your home, make sure to seal any cracks or holes larger than a dime. Prime places for mice entry include vents, drain pipes, and gutters. 

Your home is most vulnerable to an infestation in the colder, winter months. Check out our suggestions for winterizing your home against rodents. 

Some signs of a deer infestation include visible droppings, gnaw and claw marks, and nest or mice sightings. 

If you believe you have a mice infestation, don’t try to deal with it on your own. If you are a Twin Cities resident, contact the Environmental Pest Management team. We will take care of your pests without hurting your home or the environment in the process.