Paper Wasps: How to Prevent Them from Nesting on Our Homes

Paper Wasps
Paper Wasps

You know that warm and fuzzy feeling you get from looking at certain animals — a puppy, a fawn with its mother, sea otters? Well, wasps are a completely different story. Wasps generally elicit fear and panic.

Seeing wasps in or around your home can leave you afraid to walk around freely, not to mention if you have little children that wander around everywhere. The last thing you want is for your children to be in danger of getting stung by a wasp or a colony of wasps. So, how do you prevent them from taking up residence alongside you?

Contact Environmental Pest Management at (952) 432-2221, to help you get rid of wasps. In the meantime, below are some tips and tricks to help you deter those pesky insects so that you can continue to enjoy your space to the fullest.

What Are Paper Wasps?

Paper wasps are winged insects that are predominantly brown with yellow markings. These wasps get their name because of the type of nests that they create. The nests are umbrella shaped and look as if they are made out of a paper or cardboard substance.

Just like other wasp colonies, they have a queen, and they work during the seasons to gather food for themselves and their queen. During the winter, all of the wasps in the colony die except for the queen.

While these wasps can have a potent sting and become a nuisance, they can also be ecologically beneficial. These wasps eat nectar from fruits, as well as smaller insects such as beetles, flies, and caterpillars. Yes, believe it or not, wasps can help you by getting rid of other bugs.

Paper Wasps

Signs of Paper Wasps

The tell-tale signs of paper wasps are nests. Paper wasps usually build their umbrella-shaped nests in places like:

  • Branches
  • Porch ceilings, rafters
  • Shrubs
  • Railings

Anywhere a nest could hang from is a potential site for a paper wasp colony. Wasp nests have openings where the queen lays the eggs.

Another sign of a paper wasp infestation is seeing one or two around. These types of insects are social and live in colonies. They usually stay closer together, so if you see one wasp flying around your home, chances are you will find more.

How to Deter Paper Wasps

Secure Your Trash Bins

Wasps are attracted to areas that have more abundant food sources. So a place that has garbage out and exposed, a lot of open recycling, or composting bins will be ideal for the formation of a colony. Having open trash bins can lead to flies laying eggs in those areas, and where there are larvae, there are paper wasps near. Therefore if you want to prevent paper wasps from nesting at your home, make sure your garbage bins are covered and sealed, especially during the spring and summer months.

Use Peppermint Oil

According to studies done by entomologists, peppermint oil is a deterrent for wasps. Commercial products are available or, you can make your own peppermint oil and water mixture at home. Use the spray to coat all areas targeting eaves, rafters, porch roofs, etc. Spray your mixture in areas where you have found wasps nests in previous years, as they tend to build around the same areas.

Paper Wasps

Maintain Space In and Around Your Home

In the early spring months, do a perimeter sweep of your home and keep an eye out for any potential areas of wasp infiltration. Fill in any cracks around your home, in areas such as window sills or door frames, with caulk, preferably a silicon-based product. Filling the cracks will prevent paper wasps from coming into your home. During the fall and winter months, the entire wasp colony will die except for the queen, which will try to find shelter in a warmer environment. Keep a lookout to make sure she isn’t lodging inside your home.

Trim Shrubbery and Trees

Another way to deter wasps from building nests is to keep your plants and trees well-groomed.

Paper wasps love to make their nests in any area that hangs. So if you have trees that have long branches or twigs, or shrubs that are a bit unruly, make sure to do some trimming and maintenance in the spring.

How to Get Rid of Paper Wasps

Good Old Soap and Water

If you are looking for a more eco-friendly way of solving your wasp problem than with chemicals, look no further than your kitchen. A mixture of soap and water can help you combat paper wasps and prevent nesting all at the same time. Fill a spray bottle with water and then add in about three tablespoons of dish soap. The dish soap in the water breaks down their exoskeletons and essentially drowns them. If you decide to use this method, make sure you are a safe distance away from the nest.

Paper Wasps

Call Environmental Pest Management

When in doubt, always call upon a local pest management professional. While paper wasps are generally not aggressive, they can attack and sting if they are defending their nests. Environmental Pest Management has been providing excellent and trustworthy service for over 30 years and guarantees results. Working in the greater ten-county metro area of the Twin Cities, they have dealt with their share of paper wasps and other insects.

If you have already found a wasps nest at your home or looking for professional service to prevent them, call today at (952) 432-2221 or look us up at

The professional and expedient service at Environmental Pest Management will have you enjoying your home again in no time.

Springtails: Tiny Bugs that Scare People and are Tough to Control


Have you heard of springtails? If so, do you know their physical appearance? Well, these are the insects you should put on the list if you are looking for an exterminator.

You might have seen them, but it’s just that you didn’t recognize them. No worries though, we will talk on how to kill springtails in this article.

But before we skin the cat, if you are suspecting springtails to have infested your house, don’t panic. Reach out to Environmental Pest Management which deals with the extermination of bed bugs, flies, cockroaches, rodents springtails, ants, or any other insect that might have turned the stay in your house into a nightmare.


So, what are Springtails?

According to Pennstate College of Agricultural, springtails are insects with segmented bodies with three pairs of legs and piercing-sucking mouthparts.

They are calm, but when disturbed, you startle them to the extreme. They can jump up to 10 cm due to their furcula body structures. That’s why they are called springtails.

Many people don’t put them in the list of insects that they should get rid of. Little do they know the kind of destruction they can cause.

Before we delve deep into more details about these insects, let’s have a look at some of their characteristics.

  • Small-sized bodies that range from 0.3mm to 5mm
  • Springtails don’t cause irritations or bites – their only good part. They have a massive load of downsides, though.
  • Their number shoots high in a short time, and they can thrive to 100,000 per cubic meter.

How are Springtails attracted?

What brings many of the household insects are dirt, stale food, or stuffiness in the house – for instance, larder beetles, roly-poly bugs, and ants.

Springtails, on the other hand, are attracted when your area has had a long streak of heavy rainfall.. These are typical weather conditions; hence, you are likely to have them at any time.

Springtails prefer places with high humidity, moisture, and dampness as they can breed in considerable numbers in a short time. So, the cold and wet areas would be the first place to check if you want to get rid of them.

Are they harmful?

Oh yeah.

No insect brings good tidings to your home. If not taken care of early enough, they’ll even cause diseases.

As much as springtails won’t cause the above effects, they are still a nuisance and will take away the peace and comfort from your home.

Whenever they find a breeding place that can sustain their growth, it won’t take a long time before they grow into their thousands of numbers.

How to kill Springtails?

Let’s face it – if you’ve had these insects on your home, I bet you know how a great deal it is to fight them.

It’s a game of numbers, if you opt to “DIY” ways of management, you’ll be fighting a losing battle. You’ll have to up your game.

Our number one piece of advice is to look for trusted pest professionals that have been in the industry for quite some time.

Once they have done proper inspections to confirm that they are springtails, they’ll come up with integrated programs for preventing these “culprits” from growing into a bigger swarm, and hopefully, their end.


1. Fungus and Molds

You are in greater danger if your homestead offers an excellent platform for their growth. To add salt to the injury, when your house is surrounded by what they eat.

These would be fungus and molds. Getting rid of these plants would be dealing with the leading cause and not the symptom.

Also, if you remove molds and fungus, you will not be keeping springtails away alone. These flowerless plants are excellent attractions of fungus gnats which have loads of downsides.

2. Avoid Darkness

Flies like moth and pterygote have positive phototaxis hence are attracted by light. That’s why you’ll find a vast number of moths around streetlights when it has rained heavily.

Springtails, on the other hand, have negative phototaxis hence cannot withstand brighter lights.

A good weapon against them would be more sources of lights in your home. You can replace the lesser lighting bulbs with lighter ones. Lamps and fixtures also provide enough light to keep them away.

3. Soap and Water

Soap and water are all-time household items for cleaning. According to this article, there are over twenty new uses of soap that are not known to many. Another addition to the list will be getting rid of springtails.

If you are unlucky to have them on your kitchen or bathroom, you can opt for this method. The bubbly water solution will drown them. Besides, the solution also has a burning effect on the bodies.

Besides, water is an excellent cleaning agent hence you will not get any other insects looming near your house because of the dirt.

4. Proper Ventilation

Since springtails are brought by humidity, dehumidifying the home will be a significant milestone on your quest to finish them.

It’s advisable to use a suitable insulation method for perfect airflow and freshness in the house. Proper circulation of air also prevents them from thriving. Ensure that the roofing is keen to avoid water from dripping inside the house.

5. The Vinegar Treatment

Springtails are enemies with anything that is acid-related. That’s why vinegar is useful when you want to get rid of them swiftly.

You can put the vinegar into a spray bottle and spray it against the springtails. They’ll either die or leap away since they can’t stand the acid in the vinegar.


The Bottom Line

By now, you are probably sick of these insects and will try all the above methods, and they will help you a great deal.

However, there is a bit of better advice, which will not only help you get rid of springtails but also take care of other potential insects that might invade your house.

It would be the perfect time to contact Environmental Pest Management for a well-done job. All in all, you will be free from these little monsters and return comfort to your house.

Bald-Faced Hornets: Extremely Aggressive Insects that Need Special Handling to Control


Have you checked your home lately? How about around your backyard? If not, make sure to check it right away in case you need to get rid of any hornet nests. For professional help, contact Environmental Pest Management.

Bees, wasps, hornets, or any other types of insects that sting are genuinely frightening. It would be more dangerous if you have children at home. Hundreds of families around the globe consider these nests of insects as a threat.

One such particular insect that is quite ferocious is the Bald-Faced Hornets. They are known to be such aggressive ones, and their sting is excruciating. Several families have reported that their homes have nests of these hornets and that that they multiply fast and are territorial.

But before anything else, what are Bald-Faced Hornets? These hornets may be new to you. So let us dig deeper and have a closer look at them.

Bald-Faced Hornet

A Bald-faced hornet sting is similar to that of a hypodermic needle that connects to a sack containing potent toxin venom. These hornets can give you painful stings repeatedly. Since they tend to be aggressive when their nest is in danger, it makes it necessary to ensure you will follow a proper procedure on how to get rid of a bald-faced hornet nest.

Since these hornets are truly dangerous, families now intend to eradicate these pests from their homes entirely. However, even the removal of these nests is pretty hazardous. That is why we need to have prior knowledge about these insects, specifically on how to remove them or if possible, ask professional help.

It may be true that bald-faced hornets have a poor temper when their nests are disturbed, They are usually not an issue when you see them away from the nest. In reality, bald-faced hornets are beneficial insects. They kill other tiny insects like flies and others, and the young eat them.

Hornets build their nests usually in trees. They become almost invisible when they are in trees. Most people do not even know that it is there until the leaves fall during the autumn. Hornets do not reuse an old nest and begin each year with a new nest.


Getting Rid of Bald-Faced Hornets

Let’s get down to business. How to get rid of these hornets?

It’s time to understand how to get rid of them as we don’t want to suffer pain, caused by their stings, just like a young girl who was casually strolling around their backyard then found a nest of hornets at an old wooden chair and kicked it. A swarm of hornets chased her and she received painful stings.

You don’t want to experience it, do you? Removal of the nests of bald-faced hornets becomes necessary when the nest is already close enough to your house that they become a threat to you or your family. They will build nests in hedges, on the sides of houses, attics, and even the whole part of sturdy patio furniture.

Best Time to Remove Nests

It is recommended to remove a bald-faced hornet’s nest during the early days of spring when the nest is not yet entirely constructed or finished, and the bald-faced hornet queen is the only threat. There will be an estimate of 400 worker hornets in the nest during the months of summer, and nest removal can cost you a few hundred stings.

You have to keep in mind that these hornets are colonial by nature, and they have a hierarchy. Hornets have smooth strings that can help to sting repeatedly. If you think they are quite near to your home already, then it is best to remove their nest immediately, or you call a Environmental Pest Management to do the job as an active colony can be hazardous.


Removing Outdoor Nests

You can easily find the nest anytime during the day but removing it must be done only during the night. It is best to use the technique of Subdued illumination, and you can make use of red cellophane paper on the flashlight used for lighting. Bald-faced hornets cannot see red so you can easily catch them that way.

Thick protective clothing must be worn to avoid the angry stings of these creatures. Aerosol sprays are recommended against bald-faced hornets as it helps to knock them down quickly. Foaming agents can also be used as it expands the pesticide inside the nest, which traps the hornets inside.

Removing Indoor Nests

Whenever you notice a bald-faced hornet queen flying in the house, it shows that she is opting to construct a nest inside your home. This situation needs help, and we should make it our priority.

We may use hornet traps that can catch the queen, only if she is all by herself, and then you can let her out into the wild. Vacuum removal is the best way, but it needs to be done by a professional because using pesticides and insecticides inside your house is not recommended.

How to Treat a Sting

If you get stung by a bald-faced hornet, would you know if you had an allergic reaction?

According to WebMD, treating hornet stings depends on their severity. Most insect stings for those who are not allergic need no more than first aid given at home. If you have allergic stings with no allergic symptoms, you need to clean and apply antibiotic ointment on the affected area.

For someone who experienced a severe allergic reaction, it is best to seek immediate medical help. Steroids and Antihistamine will be given for fast relief.


After Removing Nests

The procedure of removing the nests of bald-faced hornets must be done for three consecutive days before bringing the nest down. In this way, we can kill all hornets living inside the nest. The den has to be taken down, put in a separate garbage bag and should be disposed of carefully.

According to Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences, you can never avoid having nests of Bald-Faced Hornets in our homes. Though known for their aggressive behavior and painful stings, they still have a role in our environment and keep our ecosystem alive. Said above were helpful tips but only got rid of them when it is necessary.

If you think the situation is beyond your care, it is better to call for professional help rather than risking your safety and your family. Reach out to Environmental Pest Management for help with getting rid of these hornets. Always keep safe and keep an eye for these insects.

Help! Why Are There So Many Flies In My House?


Flies are the worst.

Ew! We detest flies. They hang out on garbage; they breed and lay eggs on dead animals, they ruin picnics and force us to buy fancy covers to keep away the “yuck” factor on outdoor meals.

We here at Environmental Pest Management are here to attack your fly infestation with a few professional tips you can use on your own, as well as when to give us a call. Visit our website today for help with bouncing any critters large or small that crashed your home’s velvet rope.


Flies are necessary, just not in your home.

Believe it or not, flies do a lot for our ecosystem. They serve as an abundant food source for other animals, and they are the “cleaning crew” of the world. They get rid of dead and rotting flesh, plants, and other organic material.

Fishermen use fly larvae as bait. Tarantula owners use fly larvae as food for their pets. Some companies who “grow” maggots for commercial sale even believe there could be some cancer-fighting benefit to them.

So, even though it’s possible to have a healthy appreciation for flies from a distance, we’re pretty sure you don’t want them in your home, on your food, or buzzing in your ears. Let’s dive into how to keep them where they belong–outside doing their jobs.

Flies have a life cycle, and you can interrupt it.

Even though flies seem to materialize out of thin air and circulate your home, they do come from somewhere. Even in the winter time, you may notice an errant fly or two haplessly zinging around your windows or kitchen.

Here’s the gross part: if there are a lot of flies in your home, it’s because they’ve laid eggs in there. The eggs become larvae (uh, and by that we mean maggots–truth), and the larvae become flies. If you don’t take preventative action to interrupt this cycle, the whole thing begins again.

Flies on food

Two kinds of flies. Two types of problems.

The most common types of flies that infest our homes are the house fly and blowflies. Blowflies lay their eggs on dead bodies. For homeowners, this means that if a squirrel or mole or other small animal dies near your home, blowflies will seek it out as prime real estate for their eggs.

Further, if you’ve had a quiet pest or two like a bat or mouse die in your attic or walls unbeknownst to you, any blowflies in the area will inevitably seek out this kind of target for to lay their eggs.

Once laid, the eggs become larvae within hours (hours!), and progress through 3 more stages of growth and molting (shedding their skin) before emerging as flies after 7-14 days. House flies have a similar life cycle but tend to gravitate toward other organic material like garbage, food, or feces on which to lay their eggs. In case you were wondering, houseflies can lay up to 900 eggs at a time and live up to 90 days. That’s a lot of reproduction potential!

Stop the eggs, stop the flies.

You will never be able to thoroughly sanitize your yard or the world around you of dead bodies and garbage. There are, however, a few ways to ensure your home is not a welcoming place for flies to lay their eggs.

Intuitively, you can assume that if you eliminate egg-laying “property” for flies, you can eliminate flies in your home.

Flies on food

First, have an inspection.

A wise first step in the fight against flies is to have your home inspected by a professional and reliable pest control service: Environmental Pest Management. Even having one mouse or chipmunk making a home out of your insulation and then expiring can create a fly disaster.

We can help uncover any sly vermin who may have breached your home security and are creating a “dead body” problem.

Though we can fix your fly problem at any time or season, we recommend a springtime home evaluation to get a jump on the height of the summer fly hatches.

We do a thorough check of your home’s seams, siding, roof vents, and more to determine any entry points for small mammals. Then, we seal any holes or cracks we find to make sure those furry little guests know they’re not welcome. When your home is pest free, the flies have nowhere to lay their eggs.

Control what you can.

To stop egg laying and fly production, try these tips:

  • Keep garbage lids tightly closed and empty the garbage often, especially if you have food waste
  • If you keep a compost container in your home, be sure to seal it tightly with a lid, and wash it each time you empty it.
  • Scoop cat feces in your litter box every day, and clean the whole box out thoroughly each week
  • Do not leave food out uncovered on your counter, or dirty dishes in the sink.
  • If you add dirty dishes to your dishwasher over a few days before washing, be sure to close the dishwasher door tightly. Also, run your dishwasher more frequently during the hot summer months when flies are at their worst.
  • Walk your yard periodically and check for small dead animals near your home.
  • If you have food in the fridge that needs to be thrown out, consider leaving it covered in the refrigerator until just before your weekly garbage pick-up. Then, do a bulk clean-out of food waste on trash day. This way, your old food is not sitting in the garbage, attracting flies for several days.
  • If possible, get an outdoor trash can with a lid that seals tightly.

Flies on fruit

Finally, call the professionals at EPM.

When all your preventative steps are still not eradicating the flies in your home, give us a call to schedule a home evaluation and live bug-free with Environmental Pest Management. We use the best products to quell your fly problem and get rid of any remaining pests.

We solve your problems “quickly, safely, and at the most reasonable price.”

Little Brown Bats and Big Brown Bats: How to Know if You Have a Bat Problem


Bats are Pretty Cool, as Long as They’re Not Living in Your House Rent-Free

Little Brown Bats and Big Brown Bats play a significant role in our ecosystem here in Minnesota. They eat an excessive amount of insects and often serve as pollinators to some species of plants.

Bats also serve as a vital food source for other predators. Because of their roosting patterns in large numbers, they are an easy catch for other mammals, predatory birds, and snakes.

We can surely all agree that bats at a distance, or even flying around in our neighborhoods at night are a nifty example of nature at work in all her glory. However, if those bats are roosting in your home, apartment complex, or business property, “nature” can get a little too close for comfort.

At Environmental Pest Management, our goal is to help nature do its best work outside of the confines of your home, apartment complex, or business. Call us today to send an eviction notice to your pests and make sure they leave you alone.

There are Two Main Bat Species that May Want to Move in and Set up House in your Home

In Minnesota, two bat species commonly show up as pests in our homes or properties: The little brown bat and the big brown bat.,/p>

The Little brown bat:

A tiny creature that weighs just half an ounce, this bat is prolific and well-traveled. These bats are red or brown colored and have a wingspan of 8-11 inches. Little brown bats are found all over the United States, Canada, and Mexico, but with fewer numbers in the south than in the north.

These little guys “shack up” in the hundreds of thousands, and have day and night roosts, as well as summer homes and winter “hibernation” hide-outs. They favor caves, rocks, trees, woodpiles, and buildings to rest, sleep, or raise their young.

Little brown bats eat mainly insects, so you have them to thank in large part for keeping mosquito and other insect populations from running completely rampant in our neighborhoods and on our rural farms and lakeside “playgrounds.”

You will likely notice bats at the height of their daily feeding frenzy just a few hours after dusk. They must eat at least one half of their body weight in insects each day to survive. Surprisingly, bat mothers must eat at least 100 percent of their body weight each day to live and feed their young.

The Big Brown Bat:

This bat has a coppery sheen to their fur and a wingspan of 12-16 inches. It weighs one-half to just over an ounce and has a different facial structure than the little brown bat. The big brown bat is also exceedingly common, living from the Carribean Islands and northern South America to the north of Canada. They are everywhere in the United States.

Big brown bats eat insects, and their favorite food is beetles. Their teeth are well equipped to break the tough exoskeletons of beetles, but they will also eat flying insects as well. Big brown bats may check out your attic or walls and decide your home or building is a perfect place to hibernate or rest.

These bats are the speed demons of the bat world, achieving flights speeds of 40 miles per hour. They can also live long lives (hopefully not as freeloaders in your space) of up to 20 years. They adapt well to a variety of habitats, including deserts, cities, forests, and mountain ranges, to name a few.

Do you have a bat problem?

Bats and Big Brown Bats

Here are some signs of a bat infestation:

  • Droppings around your attic vents
  • Scratching or squeaking sounds in your walls or attic
  • Seeing bats enter and leave your attic vents at or just after dusk

If you notice these signs of a bat visitor in your home or business, be sure to call us at Environmental Pest Management  immediately. Do not attempt to evict the bats on your own.

Depending on the time of year, you may inadvertently seal a bat into your building because it’s hibernating and you’ve closed the entry point. If the bat is female and raising flightless pups, you may also seal it and the babies into your home if you close entry points at the wrong time.

At EVP, we are well-versed in bat behavior, hibernation, and mating/birthing seasons, and can advise you on the best course of action once you discover you have one or more of these fantastic critters playing house with you.

Even though you surely don’t want these small, furry, somewhat creepy roommates to live with you permanently, the good news is that they are not rodents and will not chew on your walls, roof, or other home materials. They make their way into buildings to hibernate or colonize and raise their young exclusively.

When You are Ready to Evict Your Bats Humanely, Call the Professionals at Enviromental Pest Management

Our primary goal, no matter what pest you need to get rid of, is to provide you with a safe, humane solution for both you and the pest. With bat removal, we want to rid your home of the bat and return it to a habitat where it can keep doing its job uninterrupted–which is removing insects from the air and serving as food to other predators in the food web.

Since every building and every infestation are unique, we travel to your place to have a look at the situation before giving an estimate. Cost of removal depends on the number of bats in your home, the structure of the building, and the approximate length of the infestation.

Once we see what we’re dealing with, our quote will be precise and cost-effective, so you can make a quick decision to end the infestation and get on with your life, and the bats can move to more “natural surroundings” and continue to do what bats do best.

Call us at Environmental Pest Management Today for a free estimate and reclaim your home while sending bats out into their natural habitat so you can enjoy nature where it’s meant to be–outside!